*** 0.5 worth unharness SALE ***
Digi-Chain Games is proud to gift 'Five Nights at the Asylum' - a game impressed by the superb 'Five Nights at Freddy's'.
It is suggested that this game is compete on a newer phone with at least 512mb of RAM. The game can crash on older devices.
Welcome to your new job as nightwatchman at the Ravenhurst Mental Asylum. From your security workplace you should keep watch of the asylum patients throughout the night - and build certain that they do not enter your room!
'Five Nights at the Asylum' brings a whole new depth of gameplay to the survival nightshift game - including:
* An interactive map console where you can open and close doors around the asylum. Use the doors to stop the patients reaching you!
* Patient hunter devices which permit you to watch the patients movements on your map console.
* Security cameras wherever you'll watch the patients walking round the asylum.
* A warning alarm in your workplace which can warn you once a patient is approaching.
* A faulty workplace security door... use it sagely, and only you actually would like to!
Protect yourself from these four alarming asylum patients:
Mr Giggles:
This psychotic clown was once a favorite children's party individual... till the youngsters started going missing that is!
Little Alice:
She used to a be a traditional fun-loving ten year previous woman... however not anymore!
Buzzsaw Barry:
He's a regular here - and he is back to his previous lunatic ways in which. Quite why the doctors thought it had been a decent plan to let him keep his chain saw no one knows!
Slender Man:
The newest patient at the asylum. This guy has been scary folks for years - and he does not intend to stop now!
Five Nights at the Asylum v1.1 Apk
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