Evoland v1.2.14 Apk
Evoland Android oyunu aksiyon macera oyunu olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Evoland Android oyununu ücretsiz oynayabilmeniz için verdiğimiz apk linkinden indirmeniz gerekiyor. Etkileyici 3D grafikleriyle ilgi çeken Evoland Android oyunu seveceğiniz tarzda bir oyun gibi duruyor.
Evoland android oyununu daha iyi anlamak için mutlaka video sekmesini ziyaret edin ve videoyu izleyin.
Evoland android oyununu daha iyi anlamak için mutlaka video sekmesini ziyaret edin ve videoyu izleyin.
Evoland is an action adventure game which takes you on a journey through the history of classic adventure and RPG gaming.
As you progress through the game, you unlock new technologies, gameplay systems and ever-improving graphics. From monochrome to full 3D graphics and from turn-based battles to real-time boss fights, Evoland makes you live the evolution of adventure gaming – all with plenty of humor and nods to moments from classic games.
- Play through the history of action-adventure video games
- Discover many evolutions, from old school 2D action/adventure to active time battles and full 3D action
- Revisit the starting area rendered in full 3D or explore the overworld with your own airship!
- And have fun with the dungeons, puzzles, a heap of secrets to uncover, and hundreds of achievements and stars to collect
As you progress through the game, you unlock new technologies, gameplay systems and ever-improving graphics. From monochrome to full 3D graphics and from turn-based battles to real-time boss fights, Evoland makes you live the evolution of adventure gaming – all with plenty of humor and nods to moments from classic games.
- Play through the history of action-adventure video games
- Discover many evolutions, from old school 2D action/adventure to active time battles and full 3D action
- Revisit the starting area rendered in full 3D or explore the overworld with your own airship!
- And have fun with the dungeons, puzzles, a heap of secrets to uncover, and hundreds of achievements and stars to collect
Evoland's video
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