Internet Booster (root) v4.6.1 Patched Apk
Internet Booster (root) Android uygulaması internetinizi hızlandırmak için geliştirilmğiş harika yazılımlardan birisidir. Çalışma metodu, romunuzda internet hızınızı düzenleyen bazı yazılımları düzenleme suretiyle internet hızınızı daha stabil hale getirmektir.
Internet Booster (root) Android uygulaması uygulama içinde de göreceğiniz üzere sizlere %200'e kadar daha hızlı internet bağlantısı vaad etmiyor ama işe yarıyor gibi görünüyor. Yalnız şunlara dikkat etmeniz gerekiyor;
Internet Booster (root) Android uygulaması uygulama içinde de göreceğiniz üzere sizlere %200'e kadar daha hızlı internet bağlantısı vaad etmiyor ama işe yarıyor gibi görünüyor. Yalnız şunlara dikkat etmeniz gerekiyor;
- Root gereklidir.
- Her cihazda her romda çalışmayabilir.
- Bazı telefonları kilitleyebiliyor.
- Kullanmak sizin kararınız, uygulamanın yapımcısı ve biz herhangi bir sorumluluk kabul etmiyoruz.
Internet Booster (root) Android uygulaması Google Play sayfasını kontrol ederseniz sizlere bir kaç uyarı yapılmış. Riskler size ait denmiş ama bir çok kişi uygulamayı başarılı bulmuş. 500 binden fazla indirme rakamına erişmiş Internet Booster (root) Android uygulaması 4.2 puan almış ki bu çalıştığının kanıtı değil mi?
Internet Booster will change the system ROM configuration for optimize the internet connection with diferrent method.
Internet Booster needs root permissions. You need to allow the SuperUser privileges to run this application. Without the SuperUser privileges, this application cannot change internet configuration in system ROM. Internet Booster (root) is not a placebo, nor a prank, nor a fake application.
DISCLAIMER: It is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind. The default of this application is not active and by activate this application, means that you have agreed with the contents of the disclaimer.
You will find faster internet connection and stable with internet speed boost up arround 40% to 70% of speed than before.
Please note:
on some devices, it may "lock down" the wifi or tether connection after activate Internet Booster (if the wifi or tether is already active or turn on) because this booster change the system setting. If this happen on your device, you need to turn off and turn on again the wifi or tether to use the new setting.
The most best setting is Booster A (default), but it might be the Booster B is better than Booster A. All depends of the internet providers base setting on their BTS. User experience needs to find out which one is the best.
This application is FREE and will always be FREE.
Internet Booster 100% ads free. Please rate and review wisely, and please read this description first before rate and review. Thank you.
Use back button to save and execute new setting (not the home button).
All my apps have "unique" method to unload and reload service. It will automatic kill itself to save RAM and will reactive the service when need it. Don't worry, this app still active even you cannot find it in the system as running.
This application is not a placebo, nor a prank, nor a fake.
Internet Booster needs root permissions. You need to allow the SuperUser privileges to run this application. Without the SuperUser privileges, this application cannot change internet configuration in system ROM. Internet Booster (root) is not a placebo, nor a prank, nor a fake application.
DISCLAIMER: It is made available for use at your own risk with no warranty of any kind. The default of this application is not active and by activate this application, means that you have agreed with the contents of the disclaimer.
You will find faster internet connection and stable with internet speed boost up arround 40% to 70% of speed than before.
Please note:
on some devices, it may "lock down" the wifi or tether connection after activate Internet Booster (if the wifi or tether is already active or turn on) because this booster change the system setting. If this happen on your device, you need to turn off and turn on again the wifi or tether to use the new setting.
The most best setting is Booster A (default), but it might be the Booster B is better than Booster A. All depends of the internet providers base setting on their BTS. User experience needs to find out which one is the best.
This application is FREE and will always be FREE.
Internet Booster 100% ads free. Please rate and review wisely, and please read this description first before rate and review. Thank you.
Use back button to save and execute new setting (not the home button).
All my apps have "unique" method to unload and reload service. It will automatic kill itself to save RAM and will reactive the service when need it. Don't worry, this app still active even you cannot find it in the system as running.
This application is not a placebo, nor a prank, nor a fake.
Internet Booster (root)'s video
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