Mini Motor Racing v1.8 Apk + Obb

Apk + Obb: Part 1 - Part 2

Mini Motor Racing Android oyunu yarış oyunlarını sevenler için çok değerli bir alternatif. Klasik yarış oyunlarına ileri teknoloji nitrolar eklenince aksiyon dolu bir yarış bizleri bekliyor. Oyun ücretli ama verdiğimiz linkten hem apk hem obb dosyalarını indirebilir ve ücretsiz oynayabilirsiniz.

Mini Motor Racing Android oyununda araçlarınız tamamen geliştirilebilir durumdadır. Oyunda yarış kazanan araba da kazanıyor. Başka arabalarla yarışmak için daha çok yarış kazanın. Mini Motor Racing Android oyununda wifi üzerinden 4 kişiye kadar multiplayer seçeneği var.

Mini Motor Racing Android oyunu şans vermeniz gereken yarış oyunlarından birisidir. Hemen indirin. Detaylar için video sekmesine bakın.

Start your engines! The most vibrant, super-charged racing game you’ve ever seen is here!

Mini Motor Racing plays like a favorite remote-controlled car showdown, combined with modern tech to nitro-boost your engines! Play multiplayer against up to four of your friends via WiFi! Race in campaign competitions for big rewards! Upgrade your skills and cars to win more! It’s all here in Mini Motor Racing.

Android Tapp calls Mini Motor Racing “as rewarding as any gaming experience on the platform” and “as brilliant as racing can get on Android.” Appys.com adds “Mini Motor Racing is an absolute blast … a hugely entertaining auto app that race aces can use for a quick fix or allow themselves to be driven to distraction for hours on end.”


* OFFICIAL FRUIT NINJA LAUNCH BONUSES. Includes special themed tracks and cars for fruit mayhem enthusiasts!
* YOUR CHOICE OF CARS. Race in fully upgradeable cars, each with their own unique handling and style! Whether it be Sports, Hatch, Big-rig, Pick-up, School Bus, Hot Rod…the list goes on!
* WIN RACES, WIN CARS! Win races throughout the game and you’ll find yourself behind the wheel of the sweetest rides around including the official Fruit Ninja buggy!
* MANY RACE TYPES. Race on over 20 tracks, day and night, in varying weather conditions
* MULTIPLAYER. Up to 4 players via WiFi
* ENHANCED FOR FAST DEVICES. More eye-popping visual candy taking advantage of all that extra power!

All this, and no assembly required!

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Mini Motor Racing apk

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Mini Motor Racing

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