Internet Speed Meter v1.4.8 Apk
Internet Speed Meter Android uygulaması hem wi-fi bağlantınızdan hem de mobil ağınızdan interneti ne kadar kullandığınızı gösterirken ayrıca bildirim kısmında internet hızınızı da canlı olarak size gösterir. İnternet hızınızı ölçmek için kullanabileceğiniz faydalı bir uygulamadır.
Internet Speed Meter Android uygulamasının bazı özellikleri;
Internet Speed Meter Android uygulamasının bazı özellikleri;
- Bildirim kısmında gerçek zamanlı internet bağlantı hızı görülebilir.
- Günlük internet trafiğinizin kaydını tutar.
- İstatistikleri wi-fi ve mobil olmak üzere ikiye ayırır.
- Son 30 günün kaydını tutabilir.
- Bataryaya fazla yük olmaz.
Internet Speed Meter Android uygulaması için verdiğimiz apk bağlantısı tam sürümdür. Tam sürüm özellikleriyle birlikte Internet Speed Meter Android uygulaması çok daha kullanışlıdır.
Internet Speed Meter displays your internet speed in status bar and shows the amount of data used in notification pane. This helps you to monitor network connection anytime while using your device.
Lite Features
- Real time speed update in status bar and notification.
- Daily traffic usage in notification.
- Separate stats for Mobile network and WiFi network.
- Monitors your traffic data for the last 30 days.
- Battery efficient
Pro Features
Notification Dialog
A notification dialog appears when you tap the notification having
- Graph to monitor last minute internet activity
- Time and usage of current session
- Today's app usage for mobile and wifi
- Realtime speed of running applications
Smarter notifications
Notification appears only when you are connected to internet. You can change priority of notification. You can also hide the notification when connection is idle for specified amount of time.
Themes support
You can manually select the color of UI.
Blue status bar icon
Option to choose between blue or white status bar icon. (only for KitKat and below versions of Android)
Upload and Download Speed
Option to show upload and download speed in separate notifications.
Translations: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin), Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
Lite Features
- Real time speed update in status bar and notification.
- Daily traffic usage in notification.
- Separate stats for Mobile network and WiFi network.
- Monitors your traffic data for the last 30 days.
- Battery efficient
Pro Features
Notification Dialog
A notification dialog appears when you tap the notification having
- Graph to monitor last minute internet activity
- Time and usage of current session
- Today's app usage for mobile and wifi
- Realtime speed of running applications
Smarter notifications
Notification appears only when you are connected to internet. You can change priority of notification. You can also hide the notification when connection is idle for specified amount of time.
Themes support
You can manually select the color of UI.
Blue status bar icon
Option to choose between blue or white status bar icon. (only for KitKat and below versions of Android)
Upload and Download Speed
Option to show upload and download speed in separate notifications.
Translations: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Kurdish, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Serbian (Latin), Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.
Internet Speed Meter's video
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