Office Pro v4.2 Patched Apk

Office Pro Android uygulaması son zamanların popüler uygulamalarından ofis belgerleri oluşturmanıza yarayan bir Android uygulamasıdır. Her türlü office belgesini oluşturabilir ve görüntüleyebilirsiniz.

Office Pro Android uygulaması için verdiğimiz apk tam sürümdür. Ücretsiz kullanabilirsiniz.

Office Pro Android uygulamasıyla şu dosylararı görüntüleyebilir ve isterseniz kendiniz oluşturabilirsiniz; word, excel, powerpoint, görsel düzenleme vb daha bir çok işe yarayan bu uygulama şimdi ücretsiz sizin olsun. Hemen indirin.

Office Pro is an application for the Android platform, It makes it easy yet professional to Create, View and Edit MS Word documents ( .doc, .docx, .rtf,.xml .txt ), MS Excel workbooks and records(.xls, .xlsx, .csv ) , MS PowerPoint presentations (.ppt , .pptx ).
We obligate that :
- Our paid apps doesn't contain ads, any third party data tracing or recording of any kind of data.
- There is no up sells, everything you need is included.
With Office Pro it's easy yet the most professional office suite to create Documents, Emails, Letters,Books, Workbooks using Professional editors with a user friendly and intuitive interface, beautiful presentations and we even added a special painter for special needs.
The main goal was to create a suite that answers to all of your Office files needs, to keep you creative and productive on the go and the design of this app following this rule, All buttons are dynamic (changes according to the text cursor position), easy to navigate between features, easy to achieve your goals, All Editors are very professional and fully featured.
★ Easy to use (user friendly), Fast and Smooth(great Engine, minimum loading time), Minimum permissions required (giving you the confidence you need to Choose Office Pro).
★ Word Editor, all in one, Supports all MS Word files format (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .xml), And MS Word encrypted files.
★ Excel Editor, Supports all MS Excel files format (.xls, .xlsx, .csv), And MS Excel encrypted files. Supports all formulas, calculate formulas automatically, easy yet advanced editor, Offers many unique features that you won't find in any other app.
★ PowerPoint Editor, Supports all MS PowerPoint files format (.ppt, .pptx), And MS PowerPoint encrypted files. Offers many unique features that you won't find in any other app.
★ Painter Editor, lets you create or edit painting and pictures professionally.
★ Print straight from your phone, attach to an Email or as the email content, Easy access to Cloud servers, access your files from anywhere.
★ Fonts pack is included (adding private fonts is supported, add your own fonts), Special and unique features, Dynamic interface, Soft keyboard and Bluetooth/external keyboard is supported.
★ Advanced CSV Editor lets you Edit in place, Search and edit(unique feature), Sort according to any column acceding/descending, Sum any column, Add one CSV to another, you can unite many CSV files into one, option to change the text color, background color, highlighting color and cell size, loads many records as your file is, easy navigation between the pages.
★ Our support team is always willing to help and always here for you.

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Office Pro apk

Office Pro apk

Office Pro

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How to install?
Android [Apk] Oyun Nasıl Yüklenir?
  • Eğer bilgisayardan indirdiyseniz dosyayı telefonunuza atmanız gerekiyor.
  • Eğer indirdiğiniz dosya .rar ya da benzer uzantılıysa içerisindekileri çıkarmanız, arşivi açmanız gerekiyor. Telefonunuzda bu işlemi yapmak için WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool uygulamasını kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Google Play dışından apk kurmak için telefonunuzda Ayarlar – Güvenlik – Bilinmeyen Kaynaklar ayarını açmalısınız.
  • Android uygulamaları .apk uzantılıdır. Bu uygulamaya telefonuzda tıkladığınız zaman yükleme işlemi başlayacaktır.
  • Kurulum tamamlandıktan sonra oyuna girmeye çalıştığınız zaman internetten dosya indirebilir. Bitmesini bekleyin.
Android Obb [Data] Nasıl Yüklenir?
  • Bazı Android oyunları Obb dosyasına ihtiyaç duyar.
  • Obb dosyası genelde .rar şeklinde upload edilir.
  • Eğer upload edilmiş bir obb varsa indirin ve arşivi açın.
  • İçinden çıkan dosyayı “Android/obb/” klasörüne atmalısınız.
  • Böyle bir klasör yoksa kendiniz oluşturabilirsiniz.
Android [apk] How to install the game?
  • If you download files from your computer you need to take your phone.
  • If those of you in removing the file is downloaded .rar or similar extensions, you need to open the archive. You can use WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool application to perform this operation on your phone.
  • Set your phone to install apk from outside Google Play - Security - You must open the Unknown Sources setting.
  • Android applications are .apk extension. The installation process will begin when you click this application on your phone.
  • After the installation is complete when you try to enter the game you can download files from the internet. Wait until the end.
Android Obb [Data] How to Install?
  • Some Android games need to Obb file.
  • Obb file generally upload as s .rar.
  • If you download an obb has been upload and open the archive.
  • Copy the file to "Android / obb/" folder.
  • If obb folder dosn't exist, you can create one.

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