Castle Defense v1.5.5 Mod (Unlimited Crystals) Apk

Castle Defense Android oyunu uzun süredir piyasada olan ve sevilen bir kule savunma oyunudur. Bu tür oyunların örnek aldığı Castle Defense Android oyunu zorluğuyla şikayet edilen bir oyun olmakla da ünlü. Ama verdiğimiz modlu apk sayesinde bütün dertler ortadan kalkıyor. Castle Defense Android oyunu sınırsız kristal hilesiyle karşınızda.

Castle Defense Android oyununda birbirinden farklı kuleler ve birbirinden farklı yeteneklerle azılı düşmanlara karşı mücadele ediyorsunuz. Çok zorlu yollardan kalenizi yıkmaya gelen bir sürü düşmen bulunuyor. Onları durdurmak için yollarınızı en güçlü kulelerle inşa edin ve onları geliştirin.

Castle Defense Android oyunu bir kule savunma oyunudur. Şimdi indirin.

Castle TD: The best strategy/arcade castle defense ever!
Commander, our world is in great danger which we’ve never faced! Not only orcs, but also goblins, spirits, devils and other monster are trying to destroy us! Build your defense and stop them now!
Mighty Warriors:
You can choose wizard, paladin or barbarian as your warrior and deploy them to the battlefield. With advanced equipment, they can stop or kill enemies on their own.
Fantastic Props:
There are 4 fantastic props for you. They can be good options no matter you want to destroy all enemies or just heal yourself.
Powerful Towers:
There are 4 basic towers which can be developed into 8 premier towers. Different appearance, different functions and different combinations all under your control!
Epic Graphics:
All 15 maps are hand-drawn cartoon style and perfect for high definition screen. With numerous effects, we are going to present you so many fierce war fields.
Mission Mode:
15 challenging levels, different ways of playing, gathering, protecting, attacking and more!
Arena Mode:
Compete with millions of players over the world. And thousands of runes to boost your performance.
.3 unique warriors including wizard, paladin & barbarian
.4 gorgeous props which help you turning defeat into victory
.12 powerful towers
.15 epic battlefields
.20+ monsters
.30+ achievements
.100+ challenging levels
.And more…

*** Supports all Android tablet devices. ***

App permissions
Notes: we ask READ_PHONE_STATE App Permission to get the unique ID for storing game data.
. If you can't play arena mode, open sdcard, enter castleTD, remove 'arena' directory, and try again.
. If the game crashes when loading level in hard mode:
The problem is that your phone has low memory.
We'll try to improve it, but I can't make a promise. Because the game needs to load more pictures than normal mode .
Here is another people's reply, he has the same problem before:
Yes you are completely right! Cleared some ram and I just played and beat hard 14-3 I will find a way to clear more ram on my phone! Cheers if you can get some time to reduce the memory required to play a level that would be awesome! I think I might be able to complete hard mode now!!
Thank you for your help! :-)
. Any problem, please feel free to contact us: box2dgame@gmail.com

Castle Defense's images

Castle Defense apk mod

Castle Defense apk mod

Castle Defense

Castle Defense's video

Nasıl kurulur?
How to install?
Android [Apk] Oyun Nasıl Yüklenir?
  • Eğer bilgisayardan indirdiyseniz dosyayı telefonunuza atmanız gerekiyor.
  • Eğer indirdiğiniz dosya .rar ya da benzer uzantılıysa içerisindekileri çıkarmanız, arşivi açmanız gerekiyor. Telefonunuzda bu işlemi yapmak için WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool uygulamasını kullanabilirsiniz.
  • Google Play dışından apk kurmak için telefonunuzda Ayarlar – Güvenlik – Bilinmeyen Kaynaklar ayarını açmalısınız.
  • Android uygulamaları .apk uzantılıdır. Bu uygulamaya telefonuzda tıkladığınız zaman yükleme işlemi başlayacaktır.
  • Kurulum tamamlandıktan sonra oyuna girmeye çalıştığınız zaman internetten dosya indirebilir. Bitmesini bekleyin.
Android Obb [Data] Nasıl Yüklenir?
  • Bazı Android oyunları Obb dosyasına ihtiyaç duyar.
  • Obb dosyası genelde .rar şeklinde upload edilir.
  • Eğer upload edilmiş bir obb varsa indirin ve arşivi açın.
  • İçinden çıkan dosyayı “Android/obb/” klasörüne atmalısınız.
  • Böyle bir klasör yoksa kendiniz oluşturabilirsiniz.
Android [apk] How to install the game?
  • If you download files from your computer you need to take your phone.
  • If those of you in removing the file is downloaded .rar or similar extensions, you need to open the archive. You can use WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool application to perform this operation on your phone.
  • Set your phone to install apk from outside Google Play - Security - You must open the Unknown Sources setting.
  • Android applications are .apk extension. The installation process will begin when you click this application on your phone.
  • After the installation is complete when you try to enter the game you can download files from the internet. Wait until the end.
Android Obb [Data] How to Install?
  • Some Android games need to Obb file.
  • Obb file generally upload as s .rar.
  • If you download an obb has been upload and open the archive.
  • Copy the file to "Android / obb/" folder.
  • If obb folder dosn't exist, you can create one.

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