KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker Pro v2.08b519105 Final [Unlocked] Android için haraketli duvarkağıdı yapma uygulamasıdır. Uygulama bütün özellikleri açık şekilde modlu gelir. Pro versiyondur. Dilediğiniz gibi kullanın.

KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker Pro ile haraketli duvarkağıdı yapıp telefonuzu süzleyebileceğiniz gibi bu duvarkağıtlarını çevrenizle ve internetle paylaşabilirsiniz.

Make your Android device look unique with Kustom the most powerful Live Wallpaper creator ever!
Use its awesome WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to create you own designs and display any data you need, at once, and with wonderful animations too!
If you were looking for Rainmeter or Conky on Android, this is it!
With Kustom you can create customized Digital and Analog Clocks (with seconds hand), animated patterns, live map backgrounds, material wallpapers, sophisticated CPU/Memory meters, randomly changing images, scrolling images, gyroscopic effects and much much more.
Imagination is the limit.
Launcher support
Animations works only on launchers that fully supports the Android standards, so for example Google Now Launcher and Nova Launcher are fully supported.
Some others might have problems, the only known launcher with issues right now is GO Launcher (and this cannot be fixed by us).
You get:
- Some skin to start with and some Komponent (a Widget in Kustom)
- Text with custom fonts, colors, sizes and effects
- Shapes like Ovals, Rects, Arcs, Triangles, Exagons and more
- Gradients, shadows, tiling and color filters
- Progress bars
- Photoshop / GIMP like layers with overlay effects (blur, clear, xor, difference, saturation)
- Touch actions / hotspots on any object you create
- PNG / JPG / WEBp Image support
- Animations such as fading, scaling and scrolling based on screen position, touch, events...
- Magnetic sensors / gyroscope support for wallpaper motion or objects animations
- Complex programming with functions, conditionals and global variables
- Change Wallpaper based on time, location, weather, anything!
- Dynamic download of content via HTTP (live maps, weather and so on)
- Native music utilities (current playing song title, album, cover)
- Weather with wind chill, feels like temperature and more
- RSS and free XML / XPATH / Text download
- Tasker support
- A huge amount of data to display (like date, time, battery, calendar, astronomy (sunrise, sunset), CPU speed, memory, countdowns, WiFi and cellular status, traffic info, next alarm, location, moving speed, rom/device info and much more)
Pro will:
- Remove the ADS
- Support the dev!
- Unlock import from SD and all external skins
- Allow exporting skins to SD and creation of APK preset packs
- Save the world from alien invasion
What's New
- FX Option in Layers to create Long Shadows
- Added Yr.No to weather providers
- New bp() function to extract colors from images
- You can now add Bitmap Globals
- Lists can be switched on touch
- Updated Roboto Fonts
- Performance improvements
- Invert, complementary, contrast and gradient mix colors in ce()
- New Ikon komponent
- Fixed all day events appearing the wrong day (for good?)
- Other fixes (see in app changelog)

What's New
- FX Option in Layers to create Long Shadows
- Added Yr.No to weather providers
- New bp() function to extract colors from images
- You can now add Bitmap Globals
- Lists can be switched on touch
- Updated Roboto Fonts
- Performance improvements
- Invert, complementary, contrast and gradient mix colors in ce()
- New Ikon komponent
- Fixed all day events appearing the wrong day (for good?)
- Other fixes (see in app changelog)

Nasıl kurulur? Android [Apk] Oyun Nasıl Yüklenir? Eğer bilgisayardan indirdiyseniz dosyayı telefonunuza atmanız gerekiyor. Eğer indirdiğiniz dosya .rar ya da benzer uzantılıysa içerisindekileri çıkarmanız, arşivi açmanız gerekiyor. Telefonunuzda bu işlemi yapmak için WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool uygulamasını kullanabilirsiniz. Google Play dışından apk kurmak için telefonunuzda Ayarlar – Güvenlik – Bilinmeyen Kaynaklar ayarını açmalısınız. Android uygulamaları .apk uzantılıdır. Bu uygulamaya telefonuzda tıkladığınız zaman yükleme işlemi başlayacaktır. Kurulum tamamlandıktan sonra oyuna girmeye çalıştığınız zaman internetten dosya indirebilir. Bitmesini bekleyin. Android Obb [Data] Nasıl Yüklenir? Bazı Android oyunları Obb dosyasına ihtiyaç duyar. Obb dosyası genelde .rar şeklinde upload edilir. Eğer upload edilmiş bir obb varsa indirin ve arşivi açın. İçinden çıkan dosyayı “Android/obb/” klasörüne atmalısınız. Böyle bir klasör yoksa kendiniz oluşturabilirsiniz.
How to install? Android [apk] How to install the game? If you download files from your computer you need to take your phone. If those of you in removing the file is downloaded .rar or similar extensions, you need to open the archive. You can use WinZip Premium Zip Unzip Tool application to perform this operation on your phone. Set your phone to install apk from outside Google Play - Security - You must open the Unknown Sources setting. Android applications are .apk extension. The installation process will begin when you click this application on your phone. After the installation is complete when you try to enter the game you can download files from the internet. Wait until the end. Android Obb [Data] How to Install? Some Android games need to Obb file. Obb file generally upload as s .rar. If you download an obb has been upload and open the archive. Copy the file to "Android / obb/" folder. If obb folder dosn't exist, you can create one.

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